Acnevect - Acne Treatment
The body changes during puberty and adolescence. The hormone levels change usually between the ages of 11 and 14, and this causes an increase in the production of the skin’s natural oil – sebum. Sebum comes from the sebaceous glands which surround the hair follicles. When more of it is produced, the surface of the skin becomes very oily. At the same time, skin is continually shedding dead cells. Both of these processes happen on normal skin. When the sebum and dead skin cells stick together, they tend to form a «plug» over the pores which are the outlets for the hair follicles. If the pores becomes blocked, blackheads or whiteheads may form. And if there’s bacterial action deep down in the hair follicles, inflammation, redness and swelling can occur. In some cases, pus develops leading to yellow spots or pustules. The increase in oiliness only affects larger hair follicles which is why spots usually only break out on your face,shoulders, chest and upper part of the back. When there’s a combination of different types of blemishes – blackheads, whiteheads and inflamed pores – it’s called acne. Depending on how much of the face and body is affected, acne is described as mild, moderate or severe. In severe cases of acne, several follicles close together can be affected. However, when there are only a few blemiches, they’re just «pimples», «spots», or «zits». Isolated spots , other than those caused by acne, are usually the result of blocked pores, bacteria or grease. A regular skincare regime, using a combination of cabin and home treatments as described in the following pages, helps to prevent and fight even the most troublesome of spots.
Paraben- & mineral oil-free